Obi Alvan |
is the biggest online business directory and local search engine in
Nigeria. Business owners and other Nigerians who have used the search
engine can always testify to its reliablity. The Nigerian Independence
day, which was on the 1st of October, 2012 was a day of fun for the
staff of the successful company, as they held their management retreat
at Whispering Palms, Lagos. It was a management retreat and also the
launch of the company's new website, '2.0'. Everyone present had a nice
time, and also enough to eat and drink. The height of the event was the
quiz session, where the general manager of the company, Mr. Deepankar Rustaghi threw questions to the staff to know how well they know the company VConnect that they represent, and Obi Alvan,
a call center executive emerged winner, beating all the staff that
participated in the quiz and won a brand new Smart Tablet 2.
See more pictures after the cut..............